Pinan Sandan
Pinan Sandan is the third Kata taught in the Wado Ryu syllabus. Sandan meaning level three and the meaning of the word "Pinan" has more recently been translated as "Safe from Harm" rather than an older translation "peaceful mind."
Of particular interest in this Kata are the last two movements where the double foot movement is used as an introduction to "Tai Sabaki" (Body Movement), a key element in Wado Ryu Karate.The original Pinan Series was develpoed by Anko Itosu in the 1890s and adopted into Wado Ryu by Otsuka Sensei on forming Wado Ryu in 1934.

Whats in "Learn Pinan Sandan?"
Get ahead of the game with this fantastic resource. Included in this video is the complete "Learn Pinan Sandan. Starting with your familiarisation of the Kata, then onto the stances and individual movments and positions, building the kata up through single moves, onto combinations and finally on to guided practice of the complete Kata where I talk you through the kata so you can practice in real time. Learn Pinan Sandan is your "Private Lesson" in Wado Ryu for you to revisit time after time. Still not sure? Have a look at the Video below to get a flavour of the complete lesson. Then Just click "Get Started Now".

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